Here is a meal which combines all ingredients of zen cuisine and can be adapted all year with seasonal vegetables.
Its conviviality is a must do when you want to enjoy a nice, healthy zen time with friends.
The basics are vinegar rice + raw vegetables / fruits+ soy sauces + marinated ginger
5 persons:
- 500 g round rice ( preferently half whole) + 500 ml of water + 1 tbsp of sake
- 100 ml of rice or cider vinager + 70 g sugar + 15 g salt
- Seasonal veggies : Autumn / winter : carotts, watercress, coriander, dill, kohlrabi, avocado, mushrooms, germinated seeds etc. In Spring/ summer : green and red pepper, cucumber, rocket, melon, avocado etc .
- 1 cup of soy sauce
- 3 fingers of ginger ( + sugar and vinegar for marinade)
- 1 tea spoon of wasabi or horseradish
- 1 pack of nori leaves
Take 2 fingers of ginger and cut in slices. let it soak from the day before in sweet vinegar ( vinaigre et sucre).
Rinse rice 10 times in clear water and let soak for half and hour . Mesure I volume of water for one of rice and cook covered until boil then continue at minimal heat . When cooked stop heat and let cover another 10 mn .
During that time heat water+ vinegar + sugar + salt to melt all. Put rice in a large pot and stray the rice to dry it and pour on the rice while you ventilate with a magazine or a fan .( nice video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xccFAJbscHA)

Cut all vegetables . Prepare 2 sauces : grate ginger and mix with half sy sauce and for the other one ut wasabi in rest of soy sauce. Cut in half the nori leafs.
Now you are ready to eat : take a nori leaf , put some rice and make you mix, then roll like a cone and soak in a sauce. In between you can eat marinated ginger.
Enjoy with a sencha tea !
