Yakuzen workshops
with Tamami Herbinet
Yakuzen is a science that appeared in the 18th century and which takes up the bases of traditional Chinese medicine.
Based on the cycles of yin and yang, it has the advantage of having updated the ingredients necessary for its practice so that everyone can draw inspiration from it.
Used medically to treat diseases, its objective is above all to prevent them and it is with this in mind that La Cuisine Benevolence benefits regular advice from Tamami herbinet ( http://tamkitchen.canalblog.com ) to compose menus aligned with each season.
A graduate of the Tokyo Yakuzen Institute, Tamami Herbinet has lived in France for 15 years where she teaches in Caen the practice of this food medicine Japanese.
She leads 100 plants workshops for members of the kindness kitchen according to the possibilities and on request.